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Choosing the Right Packaging For Your Online Catering Business

Choosing the Right Packaging For Your Online Catering Business

As an online catering business, you’ll face a key challenge that many other restaurant industry brands don’t have: packaging your food appropriately. Luckily, though, this doesn’t have to be an impossible decision, and there are several key factors you could keep in mind to help you choose the right packaging for your online catering business (as we’ve outlined today!)

How to Choose the Right Packaging for Your Online Catering Business

Choosing packaging can seem like a minefield, especially when there’s so much to consider as part of this decision. However, with a few simple checks, you can find a packaging solution that’s right for your needs - perfect for giving your customers the best possible experience.

#1 Food Safety

The most important thing you need to look for from packaging is really quite obvious: food safety. Indeed, using packaging that has not been approved as being safe for food products could get your business into a lot of trouble, so this should always be one of the first things you look for.

#2 Insulation

When delivering food to a customer’s home, ensuring it stays hot and ready to enjoy is crucial. As such, food packaging should be chosen based on its insulating properties to ensure the food doesn’t cool down too much during delivery. Remember: a lot of food will face a thirty-minute journey before it arrives at its destination, and customers will generally expect to be able to sit down and enjoy it immediately.

You could consider numerous options to help insulate your food, so do some digging to ensure you’ve picked the right option. Of course, there’s only so much you can do to prevent food from getting cold, but there are definitely good steps you can take to at least slow down the cooling process and improve your customers’ experience.

#3 Airtight

Nothing’s worse than leaking food, and this can be a real dampener on your customers’ meals. As a result, when choosing packaging, make sure that you look for products that are completely air tight and don’t risk leaking. In doing so, you can substantially reduce the risk of unhappy customers (and ensure their food arrives in good condition, too).

#4 Compartmentalised

This may not be important for every food business, but it’s worth keeping in mind all the same. Indeed, compartmentalised packaging can help separate different foods, preventing them from getting mixed up during delivery. This is a major challenge that many food industry businesses can struggle with, after all. Plus, poorly presented food can be a major source of disappointment for customers!

Final Thoughts

With online catering businesses facing a wide range of challenges, knowing where to start isn’t always easy. Luckily, today’s tips have outlined some of the main things you should be looking for from your business; hopefully, this will allow you to find the ideal solutions overall.

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